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Last visit to Adams Collection Ties! My English bro Starszy Ashworth! |
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Polish "TŁUSTY CZWARTEK" or Fat Thursday! We waited in line for these Paçzki! They try to eat as many as they can! |
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Starszy Haskett and his sketchy paçzki! |
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District paçzki binge! Dream Beem, myself, Starszy Adriano, Starszy Einfeldt, Starszy Ashworth, Starszy Barlow |
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Lines to buy Paçzki start really early in the morning! |
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We teach this family English! They are so sweet! |
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Baptism! It was amazing to watch this investigator change! |
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Starszy Barlow, investigator, Starszy Haskett |
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Last picture this transfer with our fish! |
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Another member I love! She is from the Ukraine! |
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A member here I love! |
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I will miss these people! Myself, Dream Beem, Starszy Barlow, Starszy Ashworth, Starszy Haskett, Starszy Einfeldt |
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Dream Beam and Starszy Ashworth and his new look! Haha! |
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Good bye dinner - I kept tearing up! |
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Our fish, Starszy Barlow, Starszy Ashworth, Starszy Adriano, Starszy Haskett, myself, Dream Beem |
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A really sad good bye. I got on the train and cried! I love you Warsaw! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
transferred to Wrocław and I am serving with Sister Gheen! Who is little and cute and positive
and ready to work! I look forward to
getting to know her. It is sad to think
that this will be my last city and last transfer here in Poland! Ahhh where did
the time go?! I am overwhelmed with emotion right now!! Sad, joy, peaceful, and everything in
I was really blessed to have such a
great last week in Warsaw! I love the people and the city! We spent our last P-day running around and
visiting our favorite spots, eats and stores! I had to go one more time to
Adams Collection (ties) and as always it was so much fun to help the Elders
picks out their ties! We also were able to meet with that cute young woman in
the hospital! She is doing so much better! She was so happy and full of light!
She has the best attitude of anyone I've seen that has had to go through such a
hard situation! We were able to meet her mom as well - she is such a happy lady
too! We could tell that having her mom there meant the world to her! I was so
grateful I was able to see her one last time! She has forever changed my life
and my mission!
THURSDAY!!! This is when people try to eat as many pączki (Polish donuts) as
possible! We all woke up early as a district and stood in line (yes there are
huge lines) to get our first pączek of the day! Elder Einfeldt had told us that
for his birthday he wanted to eat five kebabs to put it into a certain case in
Polish so he could say kebabów and of course Sister Beem and I decided to do
the same with pączki... so we ate 5 pączków! (This language and its cases
causes you to do things just to make it happen in the language!) We were dying by the last one but when in
Poland, do as the Polish do! I love this holiday and we had so much fun with
We also had a baptism on Saturday!
Starski Haskett and Barlow were able to see their investigator baptized! He is
honestly amazing! He has changed his entire life but you could tell that it
meant so much to him! It was a beautiful service! The best way possible to end
the transfer!
Sunday was also so good! We had a “linger
longer” after church. I was so grateful to have time to say goodbye to
I want to take a minute and write
about all the incredible people there! First our fish! He changed my life! I
have never seen someone so willing to change and try so hard to be a good
person! He has embraced everything incredibly well! He has also become one of
my closest friends here in Poland! (And if you are wondering…there is no love
connection! He has that with someone
else!) He is just a solid good person
that I cherish! It was so sad to leave
him! To watch him journey through the process of accepting Christ’s gospel,
become baptized and keep serving and seeking the Lord has been something so
sacred and exciting and beautiful! There
are no words but it is imbedded deep in my heart forever! I’ll never forget the first time I met him on
the street! I know incredible things are
in store for him! He is the best!
Our investigators! I have never had
so many opportunities to teach such amazing people in Warsaw! I have learned
something different from all of them! I know their time will come when they
will see the Gospel work in their life and I am so grateful I was able to be
apart of the journey – such a privledge!
The members! Where do I even begin?!
The members here are amazing! They truly live the gospel! They have the biggest
hearts! They made me feel so loved and appreciated! I am so grateful for all
the members in Warsaw - both American and Polish! You’ve given me goals on how to conduct myself
in “real life” (that is scary!) back home!
The district! It was so incredibly
hard to leave my district! We have been through a lot together! We've shared spiritual
experiences! We were obedient, worked hard and played hard! We prayed and worked together for a smooth transition in blending branches! They’ve seen me shed a few tears and
know my faults! They are all such incredible
missionaries! They helped me in so many more ways than I think they will ever
know! We were all so incredibly close and we felt like family! I have never
laughed so much nor been so happy! I will forever be grateful I had the
opportunity to serve with them!
Sister Beem! There is a reason I call
her Dream Beem! This girl changed my mission! She made me laugh more than I
ever thought I could! She was always there if I needed to talk it out or
sometimes even cry it out! She has a way of going for it when she feels it, and
this led to more miracles than I can count! She has so much light to her and
has added so much light to my life! We became incredibly close! She has become
one of best friends! She has helped me in more ways than I could ever thank her!
I will miss her dearly but I will forever be grateful I was able to serve with
her! Our “dream team” may have been split up but there will always be Dream
Beem! I love you Siostra Beem!
There are so many things that Warsaw
taught me! I struggled when I came here! I
didn’t know why! I even had a few
moments of homesickness that far into my mission! But the Lord knew what He was doing! I needed Warsaw and I think in many ways it
needed me! I love that city and the people there! They have such a special
place in my heart! I won't lie it was so very hard to leave! I sobbed!
However I do know that it was time to
leave. I know Wrocław has wonderful things in store! I am forever learning to
trust in the Lord's plan! I am ready to give it all I have! When my fish found
out I was transferred and that I was sad, he started singing "just keep swimming" in Polish or "płynie się dalej!" That is what I am going to do! As much as my
heart aches leaving Warsaw I know I am suppose to be in Wrocław for a reason! I
am trusting in the Lord's plan and I know it will all work out! He’ll show me the way! I am grateful for
everything I learned in Warsaw and the people I met there!
And guess what? Despite my tender
heart, I am ready and determined to make this last city the best one!
I’ll “płynie się dalej” until I
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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