Street contacting in the snow!
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I still love seeing the kids being pulled in sleds! |
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Our new branch in Warsaw had a talent show on Saturday night! These elders made a tower of Benjamin! |
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Benjamin's tower! |
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Dream and I did a rap to Ice, Ice Baby! |
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Here is our "fish" doing a boy band! |
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Elder Jones had the elders roll their ties and played a joke on them who could unroll it the quickest! It was so funny! |
February 13, 2017
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
What a week! This week it was back to
the cold temperatures again and it SNOWED, SNOWED, SNOWED!!! There was entire
day where all it did was snow! It was such a good week though!
We were able to meet with some of our
investigators this week! We met with that cute sparkle student! We talked about
doubting our doubts before we doubt our faith! It was a pretty bold lesson but
it went really well! She said she has never committed to a date before so the
fact that she had one in May was huge for her! We talked about how when we
receive an answer we need to be willing to act! As I mentioned she knew the
Book of Mormon was scripture but now has doubts! I explained that when we
receive an answer we need to act and if we don't that is when our faith begins
to dwindle! She was asking questions I had never even thought about - and to be
honest I didn't know how to answer! That lesson was 100% lead by the Spirit and
it ended up being a really solid lesson! She is making progress krok po kroku!
We also had a lesson with our mom,
who came back from Germany! We wanted to go over the Word of Wisdom and talk
more about the Book of Mormon! She said that the Word of Wisdom all made sense
and she committed to live by it! We also talked about the Book of Mormon and
how it testifies about Christ! We asked her how she knew it was true and she
said that she gets a good feeling! We asked her about Joseph Smith and she also
told us that he was searching for the truth too and he found it and that she
knows he was a prophet! She is honestly amazing and so sweet! She is so close
to baptism! It won't happen this transfer but I am excited to see her continue
to progress and grow!
We also met with a new investigator
this week! She is one of the people we talked to during finding that one week!
We met with her and taught her about the restoration! She said she still
believes that God still speaks to us today! When we told her about Joseph Smith
we asked her if she believed it was possible that God and Jesus Christ appeared
to him! She replied, "Absolutely!" We couldn't believe it! She was
listening intently and when we asked her to read and pray she said that she
would! We are going to meet this week! She is so ready and she accepted
everything so well! Prepared people are out there!
Also, we had the opportunity to visit
a member this week! She is one of my favorite people I have met here in Poland!
I remember her saying that it takes her two hours to travel from her home to
the new chapel and so Sister beem and I were ready for the adventure! We took a
train for 30 minutes and then walked along train tracks in snow for a while!
The member was so patient as I called her a bunch of times asking for
directions! After walking along the tracks she told us to look for a red path
and I thought we were close, but oh no was I wrong! We ended up hiking through
snow on this path for about 3 miles in the middle of no where! We finally made
it to this cute town and she was waiting for us with hot mint tea and lunch!
She is seriously so amazing! She has only been a member for few years but she
has the most solid testimony! When I asked her about her "trek"
(trust me that description fits) she makes every Sunday, she simply said,
"That's how it needs to be, so that's how it is! " She doesn't
complain she just does it! She has so much dedication! I was honestly so amazed
by her! She inspired me so much! “That’s
how it needs to be, so that’s how it is!” – how’s that for faith?!!!
On Saturday night we had the branch
talent show! Sister Beem and I couldn't just not participate so we did what we
do best... RAP!!! We rapped about the restoration to Ice Ice Baby in Polish and in English! We had so much fun! The
Elders did a boy band dance and the Polish members were incredible and sang,
played piano, did karate, and danced! It was such a fun night and to top it all
off, guess who was the host?! Our fish! He did such a good job!!
I want to share now a miracle that is
really personal for me! We had the opportunity to teach in Young Women this
week! We taught about the Plan of Salvation! First I have to give a shout out
about Sister Dream Beem…I spoke in Polish and she translated for me! She
honestly is amazing and has made so much progress! I am so proud of her and so
grateful to be her companion! I love the Plan of Salvation! It was so fun to be
there with all those girls! We watched a video called "Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them!"
First I need to provide a little background! My mom has sent me a calendar with
pictures for each year of my mission! On the inside of the cover she talked
about continuing living this year with an eternal perspective! I won't lie and
say that coming home doesn't scare me and that I feel ready for it, because I
DON’T FEEL READY! I AM SCARED STRAIGHT! I’ve had to figure out the logistics
for summer school and I feel vulnerable once again! I have written about
trusting in God's plan and that it always works out. I believe in this 100%
even though it is scary to think of immerging again in my life outside of my
mission! During the video President Nelson says that because of the Plan of
Salvation we are able to look at life with an eternal perspective! I literally
felt this overwhelming feeling of peace and love! All day long we worry about
other people and each other so to have a brush of the Spirit tell me He is
aware is comforting. I picture sometimes
that Heavenly Father looks down at me and chuckles as He says "See I know
you are there and I know what I am doing!" I had to look up and just laugh
and let a few tears out too! God is there and His plan is real! We can look at
our life through an eternal perspective and find joy in this journey! Heavenly
Father (and our parents) know what they are doing! I am so grateful for His
Well tomorrow is Valentine's Day and
I’m sending all of you lots of love! I love this country, I love these people,
I love this language in all its craziness, I love those I serve with, I love
this gospel, I love my Heavenly Father, I love my Savior, and I love all of
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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