We took a few photos in memory of this great building!
I love seeing it and then walking in its doors!
I love what it stands for in this great land!
I love the people that it holds!
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Next week the two Warsaw branches will join and make one big branch! |
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Dream Beem! |
Cześć Family and
This week were
able to teach, teach, TEACH!! It was such a good week!!
We met with a mom Sister
Thornton and I taught! She is so awesome and has known the church for a few
years now! We had a lesson with her and Sister Turek! We talked about how
sometimes we have already received or answer but we aren't willing to act on it!
She loves “the feeling” at church but has a hard time recognizing this feeling the
Holy Ghost! She isn't 100% sure and constantly doubts. She has to want to really know and believe. Until
she desires to recognize her answer, she won't understand it all! We laughed
the other day because we talk about baptism so much. We had a really bold lesson with her. Sister Turek was amazing! She was saying
everything we learn from the restoration and what that means for us personally!
She is honestly so dear to me. At the
end she agreed to pray about baptism! She also stayed for the full three hours
of church on Sunday, which was huge! She is getting there krok po kroku!
We also met with our
student that we received from the Warsaw 1 sisters! We talked about Joseph
Smith and the Book of Mormon! She has a hard time understanding how we have the
Book of Mormon and if Joseph Smith really did translate it! We talked a lot
about faith. She even remembered a
scripture the Sisters had shared with her before! She said that it is all
starting to make more sense now! She is getting there! Somethings of the Lord
are not logical. That is where are faith
comes in and the Spirit then testifies “come follow me!” We both testified of the Book of Mormon and
how much it means to us! She is also praying about baptism! She is so close as
To see these two
women become happier is watching God’s work take place. He helps us become so much more than we ever think
possible. And best of all there is a
peace that cannot be duplicated.
We also met with
one of the Sisters' old investigators! She is a young student from Ukraine. She
is so happy and amazing! She has some concerns about being baptized. She has
such deep desire! We talked about faith vs. fear! I felt like I was talking to
myself! Haha! We talked a lot about how sometimes we are required to have a lot
of faith, even when the future is unknown or we may not see the full picture!
However, when we show our faith that is when God is there to bless us the most!
She is feeling better about it now! She still has a few more concerns but we
are excited to start working with her! She agreed to pray about baptism as
We went and
visited our sweet member in the hospital again too! She teaches me something
different every time! This week wasn't the best week for her! We shared with
her a short story from a Liahona (foreign Ensign magazine) about how we measure
up in Christ's eyes! She told us she knew that she couldn't be a strong as she
was without Christ! She truly relies on his strength! she then shared with us
how she had talked to her doctor about the Book of Mormon as well as she talked
to the granddaughter of the lady in the bed next to her! She told us that the
granddaughter had heard the Elders's speaking English to her and she asked who
they were! She taught her about the church! And what blessings missionaries are!
(Yes we are ;) !) The granddaughter agreed to have the elders and her husband
give her grandma a blessing! She said she could already see that girl getting
baptized because of how much faith she had in another church's blessing –
little did she know it is the priesthood at work! Sister Beem and I just sat
there amazed! This is someone who easily could be angry or upset or even
selfish because of the situation they are in but she chose instead to serve
others! This was such a testimony to me that you can always be a missionary
whether you wear a tag or not! I can't tell you how many prayers that answered!
She truly is remarkable!
I also wanted to
share a miracle! Sister Beem and I have been running back and forth between
chapels to teach everyone! We have been so busy that we haven't been able to
find people as much as we would like! We decided we wanted to find a better
balance and so we rearranged our schedule to allow us to do so! We met two
amazing girls that both want to meet with us! It felt so amazing and honestly I
just could not feel more grateful! We both needed for those two contacts to
happen and they were such a blessing to be placed in our path! I appreciate being busy but sometimes it
blurs what our purpose is – not to mention it can be exhausting! Finding people and teaching them about
Finally, I want to
give an update on our fish! He gave his first talk in Sacrament Meeting
yesterday on forgiveness! It was such a sincere and real talk! I couldn't have
been more proud! He then led the Gospel Principles class! We talked about the
creation of the world. He had amazing
comments and provided awesome feedback! He has come so far and moments like
that mean everything to me on my mission!
Seeing the life of a person improve and them grow spiritually and
temporally is incredible!
To end I just
wanted to share some thoughts I have been having lately! It is ok not to know
everything in God's plan! Sometimes we have to have enough faith to trust! I
know that this isn't always easy and there have been several times in my life
where I have been so frustrated with this! However, I have learned to recognize
God in the details! His plan doesn't only exist for big things but day by day
as well! The small things can add up to be just as big as the big things!
He is there and He
loves us!
And I love you
too! Thank you for your prayers and
love! They strengthen me!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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