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Siostra Beem and I riding the Warsaw ferris wheel with Starszy Haskett and Starszy Barlow! |
January 16, 2017
Cześć Family and
I can't believe
another week is gone! We had such a good week!
We were able to teach so many people!
The week started
with Zone Conference! We talked a lot about teaching repentance! President
Turek led this part of the training! He talked about how we need our
investigators to understand how large of a part Christ has in our repentance
process! He said that each of us has a reason to repent! This is something I
have learned on my mission! I didn't understand the concept of daily repentance
before my mission but now it makes so much more sense! Repentance allows for
Christ to work in our life! As we do it daily we begin to change ourselves krok
po kroku until we are becoming who Heavenly Father wants us to become! It was
such a good training! I also was able to see my MTC friend Sister Lerch for the
first time my entire mission! Such a fun
reunion! It was sooooo great!
I want to share a
few of our lessons we had! We met with a girl that used to be the other sisters’
old investigator! She is solid and knows a lot of it is true! She struggles
with Joseph Smith and the Godhead! We decided to focus on the Godhead! We
separated each of them out and had her explain who was who and then talked
about their roles! I have never had to explain that concept very in depth and I
was just praying we would both understand each other! At the end of it all she how
much more sense it made! I walked out of there just realizing how real the gift
of tongues is! There were words coming to my head that I hardly ever use and I
was able to explain everything so that it made sense to her! It was an
incredible lesson and we are excited to work with her!
The next lesson
was had was with a cute less active girl! She is from Nepal and she works on
Sunday so that is why she can't come to church! She hasn't been for a while and
she really wants to start learning again! She has such an incredible light! She told us when she was taught that she felt
“like home.” So good! She also asked me what I have learned from my mission! I
was able to share with her my feeling! I was holding back the tears as I talked
but she just looked at me and confirmed how much she knew I had really learned
from serving! She wants to start meeting regularly and coming back! Talk about
a cud (miracle)!!!
The final meeting
I want to share is the one we had with our Indian investigator – he is so
great!! We decided to talk about the restoration! He was paying such close
attention! We would ask him questions and he would answer with “that makes
sense because it is the same in the Bible!” He loved the idea of a living
prophet and he said that he believes that God still speaks to us today! When we
got to Joseph Smith we talked to him about the first vision! I read the first
vision to him and I cannot help but feel the spirit so strong every single time
I read it! I can picture a young boy really searching for an answer and I can
see Heavenly Father and Christ standing in front of him! We asked him if that vision
seemed hard to believe and he told us no because God appeared to young people
all the time in the Bible! Sister Beem and I were like “What?!!” We then talked
to him about the Book of Mormon! We asked him to read Moroni's promise and what
he thought/ felt! He told us he felt that same good feeling that he had felt
when he came to church and he felt like he really needed to read it! We were
dying! We asked him to read the Book of Mormon and he agreed! He said that he
realized that he needs to start to find God again! He is so amazing and he
agreed to start meeting with the Elders!!
We are really
being blessed by the people we are meeting with right now! I am so happy to be
here and best of all I feel like I am continuing to learn more and more every
day! So blessed!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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