Soprano Lody Ice Cream! |
Starszy Larsen joined us! |
This is how you know it is a prime tracting area! |
Heart-attacking for Young Womens! |
Gdańsk Ferris Wheel! |
Such a fun way to end Siostra Young's time in Gdańsk! |
She's been her almost 10 months! She calls herself the Gdańsk Queen! |
We had so much fun! |
Gdańsk! |
Isn't it amazing!? |
Sometimes I can't believe this city was bombed! :( I am so blessed to serve here! |
Gdańsk Branch Grill attendees! I love these people! |
Face painting adventures! |
A member being such a good sport! |
Starszy Larsen! |
Siostra Taggart and kiddos! I love her! The Taggarts are incredible! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
This last week marked the end of the transfer! Ahhhhh I really don't know where the time goes!
To give you an update with what is happening with me...I am staying in Gdansk...but I will be training!! I am so excited but to be honest I am also nervous! This is what I need though - I know I am going to learn so much and I am so excited to help a new missionary come to love Poland and its people and experience a whole bunch of firsts with her!
This week started off with such a fun Pday! We spent the day with the Taggarts, the senior couple in Gdansk! They are honestly so incredible! They have taught me so much! Something I really admire about them is that they try and speak the language! This language is hard, but "the young missionaries" at least get 9 weeks of training, the senior couples get about a week and that is it! They are such an inspiration and it was so much fun to spend the last Pday with them!
Tuesday we had the most incredible experience with one of our investigators! The end of the school year is happening here in Poland and so it has been hard to set up with anyone! However, she just finished her schooling and asked when we could meet! Sister Young and I really want to help her to progress so we had what I call a"make it or break it" lesson! We wanted to be as bold as possible but also be personable!
We realized that the root of all her questions was God's plan for us and Christ's atonement! We centered our entire lesson on these points! We explained that God had a plan from the beginning for all of us and Christ is the center of this plan! We think she is finally starting to understand it! When we started talking about the atonement an incredible spirit filled the room! Sister Young and I both bore a personal testimony of what the atonement means to us! We then brought up baptism! We asked her very honestly if she wanted to know if it is true and she realized that she did! We then challenged her to pray about baptism that night! We talked to her the next day and although she didn't get the answer to be baptized right now she realized she needed more sincerity on her part and now really wants to read and study to know it is true! This was huge! Sister Young and I felt like this is exactly what she needed! I am excited to see where everything goes with her!
I also was able to give a presentation on the great state of Idaho!! It was at the same elementary school that Sister Young presented on Canada! The kids were so much fun! They got a kick out of all the potatoes produced, the potato museum as well as all the things to do in Idaho! It was so much fun because they were so interactive!!
We were able to do a lot of finding this week! There was one day where I literally got one "no" after the other! I was getting a little frustrated when the words of my mom came into my head to "just breathe!" I took a couple of deep breathes and then the primary song "I Feel My Savior's Love" came into my head! My entire attitude changed and the next person I talked to actually listened!
Sometimes we get too caught up in ourselves that the Spirit isn't able to work through us! I am definitely guilty of this! This was a good reminder to shake it off and just breathe!
The lady I ended up talking to was amazing! I said God has a personal plan for us and how I have come to understand His plan through the Book of Mormon! She asked how I did this and I just told her about what the Book of Mormon has taught me! She took a book and was really interested in meeting again! It was such an amazing experience!
Saturday was an awesome day!! Sister Young and I were getting everything ready for the next transfer! We decided to take our lunch hour and just walk around our city! As we were walking we saw this giant ferris wheel, so of course we rode it! It was so fun and we could see all of beautiful, scenic Gdansk!! This city is incredible!
That evening we had a "Branch Grill!" It was so much fun! We did face painting and ate kielbasa (Polish sausage) and Gofri (waffles)!! It was such a good way to end the transfer!! Especially great for Siostra Young who has served here for 9 1/2 months!!!! I will miss her! She is being transfered to Katowice and will be companions with the great and fun Siostra Lerch from my MTC group!
I am so excited for this upcoming transfer! I know this will push me in a different way than I have been pushed before but I am so ready! I can't wait to meet my trainee! Love you all!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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