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Starszy Larsen, Starszy Musgrave, myself, Siostra Young |
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A bombed bunker |
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Even though I'm smiling, it is humbling to think of soldiers fighting for their country and people! |
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This monument honors the Polish defenders! |
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It is massive! |
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Singing with Starszy Jeffs at the Bydgoszcz Zone Conference We sang: Each Life That Touches Ours For Good It was emotional because it was our last zone conference with the Edgrens! |
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What would zone conference be without a siostry selfie?! Siostra Stahl, THE BEST MISSION MOM EVER: SIOSTRA EDGREN, Siostra Kamp, Siostra Young, Siostra Craig, Siostra Sloan and myself! |
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Siostra Kamp and I sharing the MTC memories and love! |
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Szczecin's and my Siostra Sloan! |
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Gdańsk Siostry! Siostra Young and myself! |
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Pictures for their moms because these elders are "photo impaired" and won't take normal pictures to send home! Gotta love them! Starszy Garrison & Starszy Liechty |
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Starszy Alvarez, Starszy Larsen, Starszy Quackenbush! |
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A farewell gift from the Edgren to their missionaries - a temple recommend holder! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
Kocham Was!!!!
The theme for this week was...TRAVELING!! I had to travel a couple of different times this week! I actually love it though because we travel by train from city to city and we talk to so many different people! I feel like I am in a movie all the time!! Ha!
This week started out so much fun!! For P-day we visited a place called Westterplat! It is a peninsula right outside Gdansk! It was a major port during the World War II and it has a huge amount of significant meaning to the people here in Gdansk! It was absolutely beautiful and so interesting to learn about! There were blown up bunkers and watch towers! It gave me more of an insight to what Poland has had to go through!
The next day I began my week of traveling! I had to tarvel to Warsaw and do some legal work! The best thing though was I was able to see some of my MTC sisters! It was a little MTC reunion! I am also...OFFICIALLY LEGAL!!! We received our residency cards!! It was a quick trip but it was so good to be able to talk to some of my MTC group!
The next day I began my week of traveling! I had to tarvel to Warsaw and do some legal work! The best thing though was I was able to see some of my MTC sisters! It was a little MTC reunion! I am also...OFFICIALLY LEGAL!!! We received our residency cards!! It was a quick trip but it was so good to be able to talk to some of my MTC group!
The rest of the week was filled with finding!
I want to share the most incredible conversation we had with our English class! We usually have a time after class where they are able to ask questions! We asked them what was the most important thing to them! They gave answers like family, friends, and being a good person!
They then turned the conversation to us and asked us the same question! When it came my turn to answer I said how important my family was to me as well as my relationship with the Savior and my Heavenly Father! I explained that those are the most improtant relationships to me in my life! I didn't preach anything but I just testified simply that I know they love us! There was the most incredible spirit in the room! Everyone was just so open to talk! I can't wait to see where it all goes!!
I want to share the most incredible conversation we had with our English class! We usually have a time after class where they are able to ask questions! We asked them what was the most important thing to them! They gave answers like family, friends, and being a good person!
They then turned the conversation to us and asked us the same question! When it came my turn to answer I said how important my family was to me as well as my relationship with the Savior and my Heavenly Father! I explained that those are the most improtant relationships to me in my life! I didn't preach anything but I just testified simply that I know they love us! There was the most incredible spirit in the room! Everyone was just so open to talk! I can't wait to see where it all goes!!
The most amazing part of this week and my second round of traveling was zone conference!! I've written this before but I love zone conference! I always learn so much! The conference started out by us discussing how we are a "national church!" Sometimes people associate us missionaries just with North America! We as mssionaries are representatives of Chirst no matter the nationality - the gospel is the same in its truthfulness as well! We all sang the Polish National Anthem together! It was incredible and it has not left my head since we sang it! I know the Lord has blessed me with a deep love for this country and people!
We then talked about how we need to have "a vision/visual" as we go out to meet people and this includes having a finding attitude ALL THE TIME! This was huge for me! I sometimes fall into the habit that I only talk to people when we have that set amount of time to find people, instead I should constantly be finding!
We then talked about how the "windows of heaven" are open and they are ready to pour blessings upon us but we also need to be doing our part to recieve these blessings!
Something I loved was this quote, "Don't deny people the blessings by not opening your mouth!" This is so true! Blessings are ready and there for us but we also have to keep up our end as well!
I was asked to sing during Zone Conference! It was the Edgrens last Zone Conference! There were so many emotions going on! We sang Each Life That Touches Ours For Good! The Spirit was so strong and I just felt this immense love for all the missionaries!! I have been touched for GOOD! I hope I never ever forget this feeling!
I have loved President Edgren as my mission president for the beginning of my mission! He has taught me so much and he is truly a man called of God! They were so sweet and for the last part they gave each missionary a Polish hymn book and a temple recommend holder card!
The Hymn book is so dear to me! I believe most of the hymns are now translated into Polish and put into real hymns books so this was incredible to have one!
The temple recommend though is what meant the most to me! I had been praying to feel a "hug" from Heavenly Father! This wasn't because I don't feel His love often but sometimes I do get frustrated from my own vulnerability and I need reassurance!
When I opened the recommend I saw "Fear not, only believe!" (Mark 5:36) This is the first thing Brat Fotu told me in the MTC! I had been struggling and just trying to adjust, he looked me in the eyes and told me those exact words!
When I opened the recommend I just felt this immense love from above. - like Heavenly Father was saying "See I'm here and I am aware of you!" It was a huge tender mercy for me! I could not hold back the tears!! It just showed me how aware my Heaven Father is of me!!
I feel overly blessed to have had such an incredible mission President and to be able to get to know his incredible wife! I will forever remember them and it was a pleasure to be able to hug them one last time! Oh you will be missed President and Siostra Edgren! But never, ever forgotten! I love you!
I am also so grateful for all the tender mercies Heavenly Father puts into my life!!
We then talked about how we need to have "a vision/visual" as we go out to meet people and this includes having a finding attitude ALL THE TIME! This was huge for me! I sometimes fall into the habit that I only talk to people when we have that set amount of time to find people, instead I should constantly be finding!
We then talked about how the "windows of heaven" are open and they are ready to pour blessings upon us but we also need to be doing our part to recieve these blessings!
Something I loved was this quote, "Don't deny people the blessings by not opening your mouth!" This is so true! Blessings are ready and there for us but we also have to keep up our end as well!
I was asked to sing during Zone Conference! It was the Edgrens last Zone Conference! There were so many emotions going on! We sang Each Life That Touches Ours For Good! The Spirit was so strong and I just felt this immense love for all the missionaries!! I have been touched for GOOD! I hope I never ever forget this feeling!
I have loved President Edgren as my mission president for the beginning of my mission! He has taught me so much and he is truly a man called of God! They were so sweet and for the last part they gave each missionary a Polish hymn book and a temple recommend holder card!
The Hymn book is so dear to me! I believe most of the hymns are now translated into Polish and put into real hymns books so this was incredible to have one!
The temple recommend though is what meant the most to me! I had been praying to feel a "hug" from Heavenly Father! This wasn't because I don't feel His love often but sometimes I do get frustrated from my own vulnerability and I need reassurance!
When I opened the recommend I saw "Fear not, only believe!" (Mark 5:36) This is the first thing Brat Fotu told me in the MTC! I had been struggling and just trying to adjust, he looked me in the eyes and told me those exact words!
When I opened the recommend I just felt this immense love from above. - like Heavenly Father was saying "See I'm here and I am aware of you!" It was a huge tender mercy for me! I could not hold back the tears!! It just showed me how aware my Heaven Father is of me!!
I feel overly blessed to have had such an incredible mission President and to be able to get to know his incredible wife! I will forever remember them and it was a pleasure to be able to hug them one last time! Oh you will be missed President and Siostra Edgren! But never, ever forgotten! I love you!
I am also so grateful for all the tender mercies Heavenly Father puts into my life!!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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