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My favorite Siostra Gheen! |
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Zone Conference selfie |
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Starszy Baldwin - memory lane for us in Warsaw! |
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Back: White, Wojczik, Jablonski, Babel Middle: Baldwin, Barney, Rawson, Mandla, Mandla Front: Gheen, myself, Kryser |
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Boiseans! Starszy Wood and myself! |
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I don't care for sweater vests so of course Pickett and Liechty wore one over their suit coats! |
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Gdansk buddy: Starszy Fuhriman |
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Starszy Liechty - we were both "the new ones" in Szczecin my first months in the land! |
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Greatest Siostra Barney! - long live our MTC District! |
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Wroclaw Główny - train station! |
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Wrocław! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
To describe this week in two words: odpowiedzi są (there are answers)! This week was insane, but in the best possible way ever! There were literally days where Sister Gheen and I were sprinting (yes in skirts and giant coats) from one thing to the other and Man did I love it!!
The week started out with us going to this incredible pottery place in Bolesławiec! Polish pottery is amazing! There are so many fun patterns and designs! Polka dots are my absolute favorite design!! I have been served tea and cookies on that china my entire mission! The store was incredible, and I could have stayed in there forever! My favorite thing is that on the bottom of each thing the person that painted it signs their name and of course it is also stamped with “Made in Poland!” It was such a fun Pday!
Tuesday we started helping one of our investigators stop smoking! She wants to get baptized but she needs to quit first! We cleaned her apartment out and started the program with the elders! As we were going to meet the elders, we realized we had forgotten to write down her address so Sister Gheen and I literally started sprinting through the streets of Wrocław! Hahaha we looked insane! We were a little worried about how it would all go but we just went for it! We washed everything and put air fresheners everywhere and searched and searched for any tobacco! During our meeting we gave her a goal to look towards baptism! She really wants to stop smoking! We all expressed how much we love her! The branch has been awesome! We set up a call schedule with the sisters, so she receives three calls a day! They have all been willing to do it! She has come so far! We have had some set backs but really she is changing! When we met with her Saturday we couldn't even believe how different she was! There was a different spirit in her home! She was so talkative and asking questions! She can do this! We have so much faith her and she is starting to have that faith too!
Wednesday we had the opportunity to do some presentations about America at a high school! Sister Gheen and I both talked about our states and then some differences between Poland and America! One of the funnest things was the root beer floats! They could not believe that we drink such a weird soda and that we add ice cream to soda! The kids were awesome too!
That night we met with one of our investigators! We had planned for her to bring questions but she didn’t so instead we talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy! We talked about what the sacrament means and why we go to church! We asked her why she thought we keep the Sabbath day holy! She gave such a beautiful explanation that we need time to restart and to give time to the Lord! She said she had heard that in our church one time and had already decided to start trying it out! She said at times she would think of all the things she had to do but then she would realize that she could wait and do it the next day! She is seriously amazing! I asked her how she felt about everything and she said she felt better about it all! She still has questions but she knows that odpowiedzi są (there are answers!)! She gave the most beautiful prayer and sincerely asked to be shown the way and to know the truth! I felt the spirit so strongly and I almost got emotional after her prayer! We could tell that she felt it too! She is amazing! She is truly a Christ like person! She even went on a walk with our other investigator to help her to stop thinking about smoking!
On Thursday we had zone training and as always I loved it! We talked about the resources and tools we have to use in our missionary work! We have so many tools, including technology, that we can use in our work to make it move faster! We also talked about working with members! My testimony of this has been strengthened so much here! The members are amazing and they always want to be at lessons! They help us so much and they try to talk with those they know and don't know about the gospel! We as missionaries have such a small part in the work here, there are so many more people involved! Something I loved that was said about the members is that, "These people here were prepared by God!" I know that is true! These people here literally give everything they have for the Church! They know what it means to stand up for your beliefs! They are simply amazing!
At zone conference I had my last interview with president before my exit interview, and let me tell you that was surreal! I was emotional as we spoke Polish back and forth. As always President knows what to say! I shared my concerns and feelings and he said things I needed to hear! It was just a good interview!
On Friday we visited with President Turek's mom! She is such an amazing woman! She has such a deep love for the gospel and has a really strong testimony of the restoration! She made us little sandwiches! We then met with another one of our investigators! We cover two areas in Wrocław: Wrocław and Legnica! We traveled to Legnica and met with her there! Her mom recently got baptized and she started to investigate! We talked about the Book of Mormon and she said that sometimes it is hard for her to understand! I asked her if she wanted to understand. She was honest with us and said she doesn't always have a real interest in this stuff! It got quiet for a moment and then I asked her if she still had questions! She replied that she did! I asked her where she could find answers and she laughed and said probably this book. I laughed and I said she could also ask in prayer! We talked about how that is exactly what Joseph Smith did! He asked in faith! We asked her to write down all her questions and that next time we would go through them! She agreed to do so and to pray about them! I told her that odpowiedzi są (there are answers!) and she would get the answers she needed! It was a really powerful meeting and the spirit was so strong!
On Saturday we met with a new investigator! she is a young sixteen year old girl that Elder Jabłoński found! She is really sweet and she came to church last week! We talked with her about the plan of salvation! We didn't make it through all of it but we ended on the Atonement! She has never really been believing but she really wants to found out if God is there! We told her about how God loves us and that is why he has a plan for us! She said it was hard to change her faith really quick because she has been taught something different in school her whole life! She said it was hard to believe that God loves her when so many things have happened in her life! We talked about how the Atonement can take away the hurt of it all! We both bore our testimony of it! I told her no matter what we do or we are, we are worthy of God's love! It was an amazing lesson! She said she needed to think about it all and we challenged her to pray about it too! She even came to church the next day! She said she really likes it there! She is awesome and truly searching! We told her odpowiedzi są (there are answers!) and she is going to ask!
Sundays are always good here! There is just such a good spirit in the branch and there is just so much love! They are all here to help one another and they make us missionaries feel so welcomed and loved!
THIS WEEK WAS JUST A GOOD SOLID WEEK! We are so blessed! It was really interesting because there were so many times this week where I was able to share so many experiences I had! I thought about how much progress I have made and it just really hit me that progress WAS MADE!! I realized how far I have come! I have still a long way to go but steps are being made! My prayers have become something different lately! I just feel so much peace at the end of them now! We told our investigators this whole week that odpowiedzi są (THERE ARE ANSWERS!, but I also realized there answers for me too! And we just have to keep figuring them out krok po kroku!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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