Warsaw's Christmas Market! |
This Alabamian randomly photo bombed my picture!
He showed up with his friend at our branch on Sunday! |
Dream Beem! |
Merry Christmas!
Entrance to the Christmas market! |
Doesn't this look like it is out of a storybook?! |
Happiness is a comp who loves the same things you do! |
We were sooooo happy! |
Shameless plug: MORMON.ORG/POL |
Galleria Wypiekow! A tasty bakery! |
Approaching Warsaw Old Town with the Łodz siostry! |
B & D forever! |
Łodz ladies: Siostra Van Woerkom & Siostra Kamp! |
It was the best hosting these two for exchanges!
They are the best!
We had so much fun but also worked hard! |
Forever MTC comps! Myself and Siostra Kamp! |
Love this girl! |
Siostra Beem & Siostra Kamp! |
Siostra Van Woerkom & Siostra Beem! |
Siostra Van Woerkom and myself - she is so fun! |
Classic siostry selfie! |
This exchange happened at the perfect time! |
Everytime I walk up to this square I can't believe I am here in Poland! |
Love my Dream Beem!
She is doing so well and has such a great attitude! |
5, 2016
Family and Friends!!!!
SINTERKLAAS EVE!!! This isn't a Polish tradition but I have celebrated it since
as long as I can remember so we are celebrating it here!! Somehow he always
finds me…us!
week we really started to feel the spirit of Christmas!! I can't believe we are
already in December!! This week just flew by! We started off the week by going
to the Museum Narodowe or the National Museum! It was amazing! There was so
much to see and I learned so much about Poland and its' uprising during the World
Wars! I can't count my blessings enough about serving where I am! I love these incredibly strong people, their
country and how many lessons I’ve learned from their perseverance! I LOVE THEM!
best part of the week was we had exchanges! We were supposed to go to Łódz but the
sister’s apartment had bed bugs so they were evicted until it was
fumigated! (Long story – but they got
them from someone they kept visiting!) So Sister Kamp and Sister Van Woerkom
came here! It was so much fun to have the sisters here! We did a bunch of finding activities and met
some incredible people that I will write later about! I love exchanges because
there is always something to learn from other missionaries!
Van and I were also able to go teach a less active women too! She has been to
church a few times and finally set up with us! She is very sweet and really
just needs to feel God's love in her life! We were going to give her a
Christmas ulotek (phamplet) but then she was asked for a few more and she would
give them to people at the bus stop! She is so cute and we are excited to keep
working with her!
exchange was one of my favorites! We all worked so hard but also had so much
fun! I feel so blessed to be able to serve with the people I do! It is always
good to see Sister Kamp too! She always knows exactly what to say! I will
forever be grateful that we were comps in the MTC!!
want to share a few stories about some of the people we met - three in
particular stick out! The first is one Sister Kamp and I contacted! She was
this cute older women and we had just a regular conversation with her and then
I invited her to church! I couldn't find my pen anywhere so I asked her if she
would come to the table with me so I could ask the Elders for a pen! At the
table she was looking at the Book of Mormons and then turns to us and says,
"You're Mormons? I love Mormons!" She then went on the say she wanted
to meet with us!! She is so cute she was scolding us because we didn't have
scarves on like a Polish mom! We are so excited to be meeting with her this
contact was one I had with Sister Van! (She is also such a great sister!) We
stopped this younger guy who told us he is a photographer that has traveled the
world! His whole point was to be happy in life. We talked a lot about how we
are able to do that! He had so much energy and then all of a sudden he turns to
me and is like "Where are you from" and I told him Idaho! He then says, "When you get married you
call me up and I will fly there and take your wedding pictures! I am being
serious, just call me!" He was so much fun and is really interested in
seeing what we believe! It was one of the craziest, most fun contacts ever!!
last contact happened on Saturday! We were at the table when suddenly we hear
this young girl say, "Elders, Sisters how are you?" This is so
uncommon that we all were kind of shocked! She then explained how she had met
with missionaries before and had really good relationships with them! She said
she had been having a hard time in her life and was searching for something
again! We exchanged numbers and she just kept saying how grateful she was to
have met us again! I told her my name and she was like, "what" (my
last name is really hard to pronounce for Polish people) so I told her everyone
calls me Sister D. She said, “Like Lady D?”
and saved me as that in her phone! I laughed out loud! She is so cute and is so excited to meet with
missionaries again! Talk about cud (miracle)!!!
also had the craziest snow storm! It was magical! All of Warsaw was white with
snow!! One of my favorite parts of the week was a dinner we had with a
Ukrainian family in our Branch! They are the most generous people ever! We sat
and talked about how incredible the gospel is and our vision for Poland! It was
such a sweet conversation and that are the most amazing people ever!!
final thing I wanted to share was what happened Sunday! Our branch is made up
of Americans, Polish, and Ukrainians, needless to say there is a lot of translating
to be done! On Sunday I sat there and realized how beautiful it was to hear testimonies
in their native language! At one point there was one person speaking Russian,
another person translated it to English, and another to Polish! I know that may
sounds crazy but really somehow it all works! The Spirit was there and strong!
No matter the language the feeling of the Spirit is the same!! It is the
universal language along with love!
to light the word!!! Remember that it takes each light individually to light a
tree just like it takes each of us individually to light the path to Christ!!
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