Halloween district pumpkin carving! L to R: Starszy McMaster, Starszy Einfeldt, Starszy Barlow, Siostra Beem, myself, Starszy Hassett |
Happy Halloween! |
My pumpkin - an artistic feat! |
We were locked in the graveyard after cleaning up the graves! It was creepy! |
Sorry for the blurry picture - it was seriously spooky! |
All Saints Day |
It was raining and dark and we waited a bit late to take pictures but it was beautiful! These pictures don't do it justice! |
My comps have all been dreamy...here is Dream Beem! |
So blessed to be comps with this siostra! |
Siostra Beem & myself, Starszy Barlow (he is fresh from the MTC too!) & Starszy Haskett |
All Saints Day traditional candy Panska Skorka (the Lord's crusts/skin) - they are homemade. Tastes similar to taffy or nougat. |
Warsaw Zone Conference November 2016 Starszy Ashworth pushing the camera's button! I was hurrying to sit down! |
Warsaw Zone Conference November 2016 - I was taking the photo! Front: Huffman, Ashworth, Dooley Second: Mulder, Einfeldt, McMaster Third: Alvarez, Sommerfeldt, Barlow, Haskett Forth: Hansen, Byrd, White, Beem Fifth: Dekker, Anderson, Van Woerkom, Kamp, Reid, Dickson Back: Quackenbush |
Warsaw Zone Sisters (so sad its blurry!) Siostra Van Woerkom, Siostra Dekker, Siostra Anderson, myself, Siostra Beem, Siostra Kamp |
Starszy White, Starszy Haskett, Starszy Einfeldt, Starszy Ashworth, Siostra Beem & myself |
MTC district members 4 out of the 6 - missing: Siostra Lerch and Siostra Barney |
Finally Starszy is serious enough to take a picture! |
Who knows what's going on in the background! |
Starszy Huffman! |
Love this girl! Elder Einfeldt photo bombing! |
Starszy Quackenbush!! |
Starszy Mulder! |
How tall are they?! Starsi: White, Sommerfeldt, Mulder |
Try being happy for the photo! |
This is for our moms! Starszy Dickson! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
This week was definitely one of my favorite weeks! I'm jumping right in!
The week started off with Halloween! They don't celebrate Halloween here but we still decided to carve pumpkins as a district!
In Poland they celebrate All Saints Day! It is a day where people clean up gravesite and place
candles and flowers on them for their dead ancestors! Despite how dark that may sound, it is such a beautiful holiday! We decided after p-day that we would go and do some service by cleaning off graves! It all was going great until we decided it was time to leave! We walked up to the gate and realized it was locked! WE WERE LOCKED IN A CEMETERY ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT!! We were all freaking out but we climbed a fence and got out!
The following day was the holiday! We decided to take our dinner hour and go see the lights! It was incredible! The entire cemetery was light up! I could not stop taking pictures the entire time! This is definitely one of my favorite Polish traditions! It is a very special time for them! I love how much they honor their ancestors!
The rest of the week was filled with finding and lessons! We are still working with that young mom found from the area book! We went and taught her all about the beginning of the Plan of Salvation - where did we come from? and why are we here on Earth?! She seemed like she was understanding everything so we got through the lesson quickly but all of sudden I felt like we should review again step by step! We went over it slower and had her explain it to us! At the end she said she now understands it better! It was amazing!
We also met with a new investigator this week! She is a young college student! She isn't very religious but agreed to meet! We taught her all about the restoration! The entire time we were talking she was asking really good questions! At first she told us up front that she wasn't really interested but as we began talking she started to really get into the lesson! When we got to Joseph Smith she turned to us and asked " What did God say to Joseph Smith?" It was perfect! She is really awesome! She even prayed at the end! We are excited to meet with her again!!!
The final thing I want to share is a contact we had with a young man on the street! He first told us he wasn't believing so we began to talk! He asked us all his questions about Christ and prophets and God's plan for us! He told us he was searching for something more! We continued to talk and bare testimony! He said that he liked what we had said! He then paused and told us he was actually muslim! He explained that he has asked a lot of different churches these questions but a lot of them would just steer the conversation away from what he had asked or they wouldn't be direct! However, he said that what we said had been direct and straightforward and that it made sense! It was such an incredible conversation! Sister Beem and I both just walked away feeling solid and remarked on how this just shows how truthful the Gospel of Christ is! It was incredible!
The final thing I want to talk about was Sunday! It was such a good Sunday! I love being able to hear people talk about what they believe! This Sunday though everything just felt a little more special! It just had such an incredible spirit to it!! We ended sacrament meeting singing Now Let Us Rejoice! I couldn't help but get emotional and feel so grateful!!
The Gospel is incredible! It can help us and teach us at the same time. I am constantly reminded that I have so much to be grateful for!! I feel so blessed right now! Have a great week! Remember I love you and so does God!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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