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I've walked one year as a missionary! |
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I know I've said this a zillion times to people - but I feel like I live on a movie set! |
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I love this girl! |
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Starszy McMaster, Starszy Connelly, Siostra Thornton, Starszy Baldwin, Starszy Schwanke |
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She's the one! Starszy McMaster, Siostra Thornton, Starszy Schwanke |
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Warsaw II - LOVE THEM! Starszy Schwanke, Starszy Connelly, Siostra Thornton, myself, Starszy McMaster, Starszy Baldwin |
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We may not teach him anymore but he is still our fish! |
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Ahhh!!!! So grateful yet so sad! I love this siostra! |
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Saying goodbye to Starszy Schwanke and my Siostra Thornton! |
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We were stuck in an elevator! These are the other trainers this transfer! We are waiting to meet the new missionaries! |
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Myself, Siostra Butler, Siostra Haight |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
I can't believe the time is here! I am staying in Warsaw! Woot! Woot! I will be training again! I am so excited for the opportunity to train again!
This week we worked and pushed it to the end! We wanted everything to be ready to go for the next transfer! It was so sad to say goodbye to my patient and loving companion Siostra Thornton! She is headed to Gdańsk with my Szczecin companion Siostra Sloan! Lucky all the way around! I love you Siostra Thornton!
I dont have much to report however...this week is my year mark! October 28 I entered the MTC! I have so many mixed emotions about this day! I feel incredibly blessed to have come so far and to have been on a mission for the past year of my life, but it is also mixed with sadness that I will be coming home so soon! Here are some things I have learned in the past year of my life!
1. God IS THERE AND HE CARES! There have been more tender mercies and miracles than I can count that have happened to me this past year! It seems that just when I am about to get down or discouraged something happens and I am reminded that He is very aware of me and of you!
2. IT IS TRUE! I can barely write that without becoming emotional! This year I have learned more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ than ever before! I have had to stand my ground more times than I can count and testify that 100% I know it is true! It hasn't been easy but no matter what I have come to know it is true! He lives! We have a Saviour to help us and guide us! He made it all possible for us to be happy!
3. I HAVE LEARNED TO LAUGH AT MYSELF! For those who don't know I can sometimes be a worrier (my mom can testify of that!) and learning Polish definitely hasn't been easy! However, I learned early on not to be so stressed out when I make a mistake and to just go for it! Do I make mistakes all the time, like saying dziękuję (thank you) to someone instead of dzien dobry (good morning)? Yes! But, I walk away now and shake my head and laugh at myself! It has been on of the healthiest thing I have learned!
4. EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE! Sometimes looking back I think I was too quick to judge! I have come to learn to talk with everyone! To listen! I do believe that everyone needs Christ and the fullness of His Gospel in their lives! I would much rather share with them how great they are and how good life can be than walk away and wish I had! I respect others choices! I know the Spirit converts not me! We all deserve the chance to be loved and grow! The Plan of Salvation is a plan that gives us chance after chance after chance!
5. THE ATONEMENT AND MY LOVE FOR THE SAVIOR ARE REAL! This is something I have really learned recently! I cannot even comprehend how the atonement works but I do know one thing - it is personal to each of us! The Savior loves each of us and knows each of us personally! My relationship with Him has been deepened this past year and I truly know He is my brother and my Savior!
6. LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY! I have seen people open their hearts and their homes to me on my mission and I hardly even know them! This is Christlike love and this is how we should love! I have never felt such an immense love for a people, land, and culture so different from my own! Just start loving and your love will grow!
7. DO THE BASICS! I have developed such a love for the scriptures and prayer simply because they have become such a big part of my life! There is a reason we are suppose to read and pray every day! It truly strengthens and uplifts us! The basics build a foundation that is solid and pure!
8. I HAVE LEARNED I'M ENOUGH TODAY AS I AM! I am not perfect but I have learned that my weaknesses are constantly being made stronger and that to Heavenly Father, who I am today, is enough! Does it mean I still have more to learn? Of course! But I know if I try each day to be a little better then that is enough! We just have to keep moving forward! I have learned to love myself for where I am at today! (This is huge for a person that always wants to be a thousand years ahead of where she is at today!)
9. PEOPLE ARE PLACED IN YOUR PATH FOR A REASON! There have been conversations with people that have caused me to think! I have met people who have strengthened and helped me even in times I didn't know I needed the help! The people I have met on my mission mean the world to me! With each new companion and district I realize that God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed us together! I will forever be grateful to the people I have served with!
10. GOD'S PLAN IS REAL! I have learned to trust in God's plan time and time again on my mission! I think sometimes before my mission I would just kind of wait out the storm! However, I have learned that God's plan is so much greater than my plan and no matter what, if I trust in Him, it will always work out!
11. BE GRATEFUL FOR TRIALS! My mission hasn't been easy! As I've written I have had to cry it out many times! I have to plead on my knees! However, after each trail I have grown so much! I have been pushed more than ever before but I would not want it any other way! I am grateful for every moment that has happened both good and bad and I now count my blessings during hard times!
12. IT IS WORTH IT! This last year has been the best year of my life! I have learned so many things! I was terrified to come out on a mission but since the day I left a year ago and put on my tag I have never felt more blessed, more brave, and more loved! It is hard to describe how much I love my mission! It has become the most dear thing to me! I cannot even imagine where I would be if I were not here in Poland! I love Poland and everything that comes with it! I am not the same person I was when I left and I am grateful for how far I have come! I am ready to give it everything I have these last 6 months!! So cheers to a year!!
Thank you for all the love and support over this past year! I am so grateful for each of you! Let's make this next six months the best ever!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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