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The chapel in Warsaw - the only building owned by the church! It is beautiful! |
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I was soooooooo glad to see this guy! We taught him in Szczecin and after I was transferred he was baptized! I had not seen him since! I am so grateful for and proud of him! |
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I love this Szczecin sister! She was so kind to me and helped me so much with my Polish! |
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"Normal" selfie with Nick! (He's one of the Szczecin twins that I adore!) |
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I love this young man and his family! He is an incredible missionary! |
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"Not so normal" selfie with Nick! |
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"Don't touch!" (Such missionary humor - he is like a brother to me!) |
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Saints from Szczecin! Oh how I love them! |
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First session of the Frieberg Temple Dedication! (photo credit Brother Keith Day) |
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Second session of the Freiberg Temple Dedication! |
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Third session of the Frieberg Temple Dedication! Siostra & Pryzdent Turek in the middle! (photo credit: Brother Keith Day) |
This week was filled with tender mercies and ended with a bang in the craziest hailstorm ever! There were literally gold sized balls of hail falling! It makes for one heck of a mission story though haha!
We met so many people this week! We were able to do a lot of finding and we were so blessed to talk with the most amazing people! I don't have much time to write however I want to share a couple of experiences I had!
First I want to share about our investigator! We had another meeting with him and we read Mosiah 18! This is all about baptismal covenants! We talked about what it means to comfort those who need comfort and help those who are in need! He said that he really like that this was the foundation of everything - just loving and serving others! We then talked about baptism and what that is specifically! I have previously mentioned that he had a baptismal date but he still has a few more things to learn! We talked about why we need to be baptized! He said he really wants "to feel" how we do and he really is willing to put in the effort! He has made so much progress already! It was such an incredible feeling! He has such a deep desire and I can tell he wants it! We set a new date for him and we are going to help him get there! When he prayed at the end it was different than other times! He looked up at the end and you could tell he felt it! I am so excited to see him continue onward! He will get there krok po kroku (step-by-step!)!
We also had the rededication of the Freiburg Temple! I felt bless because only the missionaries in Warsaw were allowed to go. We went to the first session and I was surprised to see the members from Szczecin there as well as an investigator from Szczecin who was baptized! I had no idea they would be there and then I walked in the chapel and I hear "Siostro" (in Polish there is a case for calling people so the "a" changes to "o" on siostra)! I turned around and they were all there! I was so happy and even more happy to see my investigator! I couldn't help but get emotional and think of how far he had come!
The temple dedication was beautiful and you could tell how much it meant to the members here! An investigator that I helped teach in Szczecin was there and I was able to talk with him! He has completely changed! He was so happy and full of light! He laughed and joked with me! The gospel has helped him so much in finding himself and happiness! He was so excited to tell me he passed the sacrament now! I was in shock and filled with joy! He had such a glow to him! It showed me that the Gospel really does change people! It really does help them to have a better life! It was such a tender mercy to see them all and talk to them!! It brought back so many memories of my first months in the land! How I wanted to embrace the people, work and land and how much I was embraced too! How blessed I've been!
The final experience I want to share is about the finding activity we had last night! We went to a park and decided to add music since our district has singers and guitar players! I went back and forth from walking around with Sister Thorton and talking to people and singing! At the end Elder Baldwin, Elder McMaster and I decided to sing an acapella version of Abide With Me Tis Eventide! There was such a different spirit as we sang! We all sang from our hearts! It was dark and we were sharing hymns books with one light between us. Suddenly this guy walks up and holds his phone as a flashlight helping us see! He sat and listened! A few people stopped as well! We finished and no one clapped it was just silent! I had chills all over and the man thanked us for singing! It was amazing!! There is such a power in music and especially hymns!! I am so grateful for them and for being able to have music in my life! The Spirit testifies in so many different ways!
I can now say I love Warsaw! It is becoming another one of my homes!
I am so grateful to be here at the time I am and to have been able to see the Gospel change someone's life! There is nothing better than that!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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