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Siostra Sloan at the fountain at Bionia Square! |
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Art in the park for Pday! I was so nice to have good weather! |
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My companion the artist at work! |
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We went to sushi for "Cultural Night! Delish! (We are encouraged to have a cultural night once a transfer!) |
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Lovin' every second of this meal! |
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Starszy Garrison & Starszy Einfeldt! |
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
Within our mission we are the only apartment that has to send in our electric bill to the mission home... Sister Sloan and I sadly did not know this!!
We came home Monday after P-day and had no power! We tried everything and finally after making dozens of calls and learning Polish vocab for electrical stuff we soon realized our mistake! We spent the night kind of camping! We used a flashlight to get around our apartment and to get ready the next morning! It was crazy but so much fun! Sister Sloan and I laughed and kept saying this is all part of the experience!! We learned our lesson and we now know we need to send the bill in!
We had our first lesson with him and taught him about the restoration! He had come to church the previous week and had taken a Book of Mormon! As we were explaining everything he said "that is in the Book of Mormon" and we were a little confused until he explained how he read the introduction and the first couple of pages! We could not believe it!
All of his questions were really thoughtful and good. He told us he wants to understand God better and that is why he wants to meet with us! We committed him to read and pray. He said he would do it! He even said the closing prayer at the end! Prayer here is a little hard to explain because most people say written prayers so we have to go over it a little more. He is searching! We had invited him to Church again but something came up so he couldn't come. Siostra Sloan and I were a little nervous but he then sent us a text and said he is still interested and wants to meet! We are meeting with him again tonight!
He has come to different Branch activities and always participates! I am so excited to see how he progresses!! This once again just showed me how much God's hand is in my life! Sometimes it can get discouraging and you even start to doubt if there are really prepared people out there but God works in His own time within the free agency of others. If we trust in Him we see miracles!
Another miracle that happened this week was with the woman we had taught but could no longer meet with because of her boyfriend! Sister Sloan and I both felt we should send her a text just to touch base and see how she was. We sent her a simple scripture about hope and told her we were thinking of her and loved her! She replied and said that she reads the Book of Mormon often and that what we said about receiving answers from the Book of Mormon is true!
Sister Sloan and I were so incredible grateful! This was a huge answer to my prayers! I have been praying non-stop for her that she would continue to read, pray and gain her own testimony! Her text confirmed that she had been doing just that! I am at peace with this right now. I pray that there will come a day when it will all work out and she will learn the gospel!!
The final miracle is small but it was significant to me!
Sister Sloan and I were able to sing in sacrament meeting this week! We sang " Ty zawsze ze mna badz" or " I Need Thee Every Hour!" We had been practicing all week! I woke up Sunday and I had a soar throat! We practiced before church and my voice kept cracking! I prayed that I would be able to sing in order to invite the Spirit!
When we began singing I had no problems with my voice. I felt the most incredible Spirit in the room! This may seem small but for me it was huge! God really does listen to our prayers! He wants to help and bless us! I "re-learned" this again this week!
Sister Sloan and I read an article on how to deepen your prayers! The author wrote about a formula and put it in a diagram. It is: whenever you ask for somthing you want and you're not totally sure if it's something God wants for you, tack on the phrase "but if not" and then add soemthing you're sure God would want for you.
The diagram went like this:
My desire + "but if not" + a Godly desire = praying for something God CAN grant!
Sometimes we pray for what we want and we forget to align our will with God's!! He wants to bless us but we have to be willing to trust Him and say "but if not" I trust you because I believe you know best!!
I love this Gospel. I am so grateful for prayer. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows what I need better than what I do! I know our prayers are answered!
Kocham Was!!!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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