My companion Lexi Kemp! She is so good for me! |
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Our classroom! LOVE THIS DISTRICT! |
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My books! |
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Our district's starszy! |
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These girls were meant to be together! |
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For Halloween we dressed up like the polish flag! Aren't we clever?! |
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Sister Trainers! |
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Meal time! |
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Bathroom "service!" |
I can not believe I have been in the MTC for a week now!! It seems so unreal to me! Time moves differently here, the days seem long but the week goes by so fast! My first day in the MTC was a little overwhelming but absolutely amazing!
I met my companion or kolejanka, Siostra (Sister) Kamp and we were instant friends! We have so much fun together and work incredibly well together! She is absolutely fantastic and has taught me so much! We have like a crazy telepathy thing going on where we think and say the exact same thing! I feel so blessed to be her companion!
I met my companion or kolejanka, Siostra (Sister) Kamp and we were instant friends! We have so much fun together and work incredibly well together! She is absolutely fantastic and has taught me so much! We have like a crazy telepathy thing going on where we think and say the exact same thing! I feel so blessed to be her companion!
When you get to the MTC you go immediately to your classroom and your teacher talks to you in Polish the entire time and that has continued since the first hour here, talk about getting thrown into the language! On the third day here we taught our first investigator in Polish! We were absolutely terrified and hardly understood what she was saying! We still were frustrated the next time we taught her because it didn't seem like we could connect with her or get her to feel the Spirit! However, we finally just had to turn it over to the Lord and the third time we taught it went so much better with her!! We understood what she was saying and we were able to connect with her! We came out of the lesson and just grabbed each other, hugged, and cried happy tears!!
My daily routine in the MTC includes waking up at 6:30, eating breakfast at 7:15, classroom time, where we usually plan our lessons to teach to our investigator, from 7:45- 11:45, lunch, more class room time till 3:20, gym, dinner, even more classroom time, and finally bed! Besides the first morning classroom time we are being spoken to and have to respond in Polish every other classroom time! It is crazy how much I love this language already!
Quick language lesson on Polish:
Quick language lesson on Polish:
Every letter is pronounced in a word which can become super difficult when you throw in a word that has prz in the beginning of it! There are also 32 letters in the polish alphabet! There are two a's, two e's, two l's (one looks normal and the other one has a line through it that looks like a t and is pronounced like a w), and three z's! It is a little difficult to figure it out but we just have fun learning it and laugh when we mess up, which is all the time! I have learned a lot though and can now pray in Polish, introduce myself, my companion and the church, ask some basic questions, and speak back to our investigator in very, VERY broken Polish!
We have a program here called Speak Your Language or (SYL) which makes us speak our language all the time even when we are not in the classroom and let me tell you that helps a lot! I am so excited to learn this language and I can't wait to see how my progress comes!
We have a program here called Speak Your Language or (SYL) which makes us speak our language all the time even when we are not in the classroom and let me tell you that helps a lot! I am so excited to learn this language and I can't wait to see how my progress comes!
I want to tell you all now about my incredible district! There are six of us Sister missionaries: Siostra Kamp from Taylorsville, UT, Siostra Barney from Herriman, UT, Siostra Lerch from Gilbert, AZ, Siostra Dekker from Anaheim, CA, and Siostra Yochim from L.A., CA and 1 Elder or Starszy Ashworth from Manchester, England!!
We seriously have the best district ever! We have so much fun together and have grown so close already! All six of us Sisters are in a room together with bunk beds! We were all so excited when we arrived here the first day that we were all in the same room!
I want to write a brief summary of all of them:
We seriously have the best district ever! We have so much fun together and have grown so close already! All six of us Sisters are in a room together with bunk beds! We were all so excited when we arrived here the first day that we were all in the same room!
I want to write a brief summary of all of them:
Siostra Lexi Kamp: Where do I even begin! One of nicest people I have ever met and seriously has a way with words! She knows exactly what to say at the right time!
Siostra Whitney Barney: She is so much fun and super positive! If we are ever down she just picks us all right back up and tells us to keep going!
Siostra Lauryn Lerch: One of the funniest people I have ever met! She has made me laugh until I cry so many times already since I have been here!
Siostra Gretchen Dekker: She is so incredibly sweet! She isalso so incredibly driven and works hard at everything that is given to her!
Siostra Christie Yochim: She is so incredibly strong! She just faces challenges head on and never complains!
Starszy Jozef Ashworth: You would think one boy would be over powered by all of us girls but he isn't.... at all! He is so incredibly funny and sassy and so patient and loving with all of us girls and our zillion questions about England! We all love our Starszy so much!
Siostra Gretchen Dekker: She is so incredibly sweet! She isalso so incredibly driven and works hard at everything that is given to her!
Siostra Christie Yochim: She is so incredibly strong! She just faces challenges head on and never complains!
Starszy Jozef Ashworth: You would think one boy would be over powered by all of us girls but he isn't.... at all! He is so incredibly funny and sassy and so patient and loving with all of us girls and our zillion questions about England! We all love our Starszy so much!
We are also are put into a zone which is a group of missionaries. I have the best Zone ever! We have all different languages and missions in our zone, such as Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, and Slovanian. Everyone was so nice and welcoming to us! The Elders in our zone are absolutely hilarious and have so much to offer and the Sisters are always there to give us moral support and help us with any questions we have! They are all going to be incredible missionaries!!
Finally I want to share some funny stories of the week, because trust me there have been so many! The first thing is our teach Brat (Brother) Jensen always says three phrases: It's ok (in a polish accent), Nie (no) stress, and stress dobre (good) in that order! These have become the catch phrases for our district and we literally say them all the time!
Another funny thing that happened was while Siostra Kamp and I were teaching our investigator she was speaking in Polish and all of the sudden she says in a Polish accent, "Mak sense?" or "make sense" in other words. We got out of the lesson and we busted up laughing, it was just too good!
The final story I have to share is something I did! Someone held the door open for me and instead of saying thank you, or dzie kuje, I said kolejanka or companion! Everyone just started laughing! Oops!
Another funny thing that happened was while Siostra Kamp and I were teaching our investigator she was speaking in Polish and all of the sudden she says in a Polish accent, "Mak sense?" or "make sense" in other words. We got out of the lesson and we busted up laughing, it was just too good!
The final story I have to share is something I did! Someone held the door open for me and instead of saying thank you, or dzie kuje, I said kolejanka or companion! Everyone just started laughing! Oops!
I want to say thank you again so much for all your love and support! I know that I am suppose to be on this mission and even though it is sometimes hard I just can't wait to get to Poland and teach people about how much I love this incredible Gospel!
I love you all!
I love you all!
Kocham Cie!!
Siostra DeMordaunt
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