Sunday, July 12, 2015

Deciding to serve

While attending BYU this past year almost every single one of my friends decided to serve missions. I went to mission call opening after mission call opening. I was excited and proud for my peers but still decided I wouldn’t serve. 

I didn’t want to seem like I was following the trend. I am very stubborn by nature and so with all my stubbornness I defiantly decided I wouldn’t serve a mission. However, little did I know there was another plan for me. 

I attended one of my good friends farewells in Colorado. I remember as she was giving her talk, the thought came to me, "This will be me one day when I go on my mission.” Again, my stubbornness reared its ugly head and quickly shut down that thought. 

As I went back to school, going on a mission was constantly on my mind. I would be sitting in physical science learning about the life cycle of a star and suddenly think, “when I am out in the mission field this life cycle of star may come in handy.” I always quickly suppressed these thoughts and acted like they never happened. I began to pray for an answer, but instead of asking what Heavenly Father wanted me to do, I instead prayed to know that NOT going on a mission was right for me. 

I didn’t tell anyone I was even thinking about going on a mission because I knew it had to be a decision I made just between the Lord and me. The turning point finally came when one of my roommates during spring semester decided she was going on a mission. 

We had a long conversation about how she decided to go, and she replied that she couldn’t get it off her mind. I knew then that Heavenly Father was trying to gently shove me in the right direction, however I wasn’t ready to accept it yet. I was afraid to leave my family and friends and had a large feeling of inadequacy. 

I went to the temple later that week and came upon a scripture in D&C 31: 3-13; this scripture has now become the scripture for my mission. It states: 

Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation.
 You shall declare the things which have been revealed to my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. You shall begin to preach from this time forth, yea, to reap in the field which is white already to be burned.
 Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your soul, and your sins are forgiven you, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore, your family shall live.
 Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them.
 Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand;
 And you shall strengthen them and prepare them against the time when they shall be gathered.
 Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile. Govern your house in meekness, and be steadfast.
 10 Behold, I say unto you that you shall be a physician unto the church, but not unto the world, for they will not receive you.
 11 Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do and whither you shall go.
 12 Pray always, lest you enter into temptation and lose your reward.
 13 Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen. 

This scripture alone answered so many questions and fears I had about serving a mission, however I still was not convinced. I finally decided to go my Bishop. I met with him on a Sunday and asked for a blessing of direction in my life. 

He asked how old I was and I replied 19 and of course he really knew what I was asking about. He gave me a blessing and in the blessing every fear and doubt that I had about serving a mission went away. I knew then I could no longer deny the feeling that I was supposed to serve a mission. 

Later that night on June 7, I called my entire family and told them, much to their shock, that I was going to serve a mission. Every task I needed to quickly complete my papers fell into place.  I submitted my papers within a few days.  People were amazing at how easy my papers were to complete, but I knew it was the Lord's tender mercies just working to get me on my way.  

Recieving and opening my mission call - Merida, Mexico

Finally here! 

My mom sent this picture via text - she had to put it up high so my family would stop touching it!
My mission call came to my home in Boise on Monday, July 6 but I was in Merida, Mexico on a study abroad.  I signed up for Merida before I decided to serve a mission.  I wanted to increase my Spanish fluency and knock off some classes for Spanish minor.

We had heard not to send it to Mexico via the US postal system, UPS or FedEx so we had discussed faxing it or holding it up for me to read over Skype.  But I really wanted to hold that envelope!  

So after a day of prayer, my mom called me and said "I'm sending it!  My heart tells me it will reach you!"  She sent it FedEx!  She watched the tracking all day and kept me posted via text.  It arrived in Merida but wasn't loaded on a truck for half the day.  We waited and waited.  Finally it said it would be there by 4 p.m.!  I was holding it in my hands by 4 p.m. on July 9!  But now I had to wait for everyone to get back home.  Natalia was on a humanitarian trip until late Friday, July 10!  Also Natalia and Sophia had a mandatory volleyball camp on Saturday!  

I hurried and FaceTimed home to tell them it was in my hands!
Customs had to open it so I had my roommate 
hurry and put it in a plastic sleeve!

We were all dying!  Finally we decided to open it on Sunday after church in Merida.  

During the waiting days I called home and told them I knew I wasn't going Spanish speaking.  I just knew in my heart that I wouldn't be speaking Spanish on my mission.  I was kinda shocked but the feeling was clear.  My mom told me she kept seeing me wearing a coat as a misionary!  I thought, "But I don't really like being cold!"

Here were my family members' predictions.  Sophia was the closest with Bulgaria!



Finnnnnnalllllyyyyyy it was Sunday!  After church in Merida we set up my computer, connected with my family.  We were nervous - the internet was always sketchy and we had to reconnect whenever we talked several times!  But it worked!  Some classmates, my professors, our Mexican mamas gathered around.  

I was shaking!  

I had prayed long and hard that I would know in my heart wherever I was called was where the Lord wanted me to go.  I just wanted that confirmation whether it be in Omaha, Nebraska (I had dream I was called here!) or Africa.  I wanted a confirmation from the Spirit that this call was what the Lord wanted.

Here's the video:

Reporting Wednesday, October 28, 2015!  Speaking Polish!

How crazy!  Never in a million years would I have thought POLAND!  To quote Professor Price, "That's what I call a left field mission called!"

As I read the words "Poland Warsaw Mission" I felt a blanket of peace cover me.  This was where I knew I was to serve.  

I felt so much love from the Lord trusting me with my call to Poland.

I am starting this blog to archive my journey as an LDS sister missionary called to serve in the Poland Warsaw Mission.  I will not sugarcoat things, however living the Gospel is sweet and miracles large and small do happen so I'm planning on most of it having a happy outcome!  I will omit some of the private special/spiritual things that need to remain with me and/or with only those involved.

I pray that you'll read my blog with an open heart and that somehow it'll make a difference encouraging you to seek Christ!

*All items on this blog are not to be used without permission - please contact me or my mom with any questions!