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It was incredible day on Saturday! |
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We panicked that we might be able to reserve a pool for her baptism since it was on a Saturday! We found one! |
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The member here are such great examples! So helpful, so accepting, so encouraging! |
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Isn't she beautiful?! I wish you could know her heart! |
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She is the greatest person! She continued to listen and learn - kook po kook as she followed Christ! |
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Later that night we had a culture night where she helped us make pierogi! |
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She knew what she was doing! |
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Learning the technique - getting ready to roll them out and add the filling! |
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The Wrocław Women! I love this siostra! |
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Siostra Gheen and I feel so blessed to have met her! |
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Our Legnica investigator! |
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She and her mom! |
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Wrocław member - she exudes happiness! |
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Wrocław member - such a beautiful, strong woman! |
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Love this couple! |
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Love this family! Look at those kids! |
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Wrocław Głowny - train station! |
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I love it here! |
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Starszy Kryzer, Starszy Jablonski, myself and Siostra Gheen |
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A perfect companion to end my mission with - I couldn't have asked for anyone better! |
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April 24, 2017
Cześć Family and Friends!!!!
This will be last email I will send to all of you on my mission!
I don't really know where to begin! There are so many tender thoughts and
feelings I have that it is incredibly hard to sum it all up in just one short
I’ll begin by sharing what an amazing week we had this week! I
want to start by giving a final update on the incredible people we have been
working with here in Wrocław!
We were able to meet with our young investigator this week and
teach her about the word of wisdom! I love our meetings with her because she
asks such sincere questions and really tries to figure it all out as well! She
had some questions about certain things. She has read how some of things we
don't drink are healthy for you. We explained to her that sometimes we don't
understand it all, but if we trust in God's plan and are obedient we will be
blessed! We told her that we can only see what is right in front of us but God
has an eternal perspective! She thought for a second and then she said, with so
much confidence, "spróbuję!" or "I will try!" It was
seriously so amazing and she is just incredible! She had texted us Sunday
morning that she couldn't come but then she showed up! We asked what had
happened and she said that she realized she wanted to come and so she changed
her plans and came! I know that wonderful things are going to happen for her
and I can't wait to see what all comes of it when I hear about it at home! She
has taught me so much about having courage and just going for it! She has such
incredible faith - I feel so grateful I was able to meet her!
We were able to meet with our investigator in Legnica! We had an
entire lesson focused on Christ's and his life! We read the Living Christ with her and talked about
our favorite parts! We brought pictures and went over everything He did here on
Earth! We asked her who Christ was to her and she told us He was her Savior! When
we finished the Living Christ we could tell it had impacted her! It was so
incredible! The Spirit is a real testifier of truth! Truth feels so good! She is really progressing now and it has been
amazing to see her faith grow! I know that good things are in store for her as
well and her faith in Christ will continue to develop as she allows Him to come
into her life!
We also had the most amazing weekend ever! That young college
age student we are teaching....WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!! It was incredible! We set her
date my first or second day in Wrocław! Sister Gheen and I have been praying
throughout the transfer! Every single
time we would just tell each other how much peace we still feel about that
date! Last week she still wasn't sure if she wanted to be baptized but then we
had a meeting with her on Tuesday! She came with so much light and happiness - she
was just different! We asked her about her weekend and she told us it was the
first time the entire holiday had been focused on Christ! She thought about Him
often and this holiday meant so much to her! We had decided to review Gospel of
Jesus Christ and we went over what having faith in Him means and how we can use
His Atonement in our lives! We talked about repentance and how it allows us to
change! We then brought up her baptism and how she felt about it all! She said
she still felt kind of divided and we told her that you are never going to feel
100% IN KNOWLEDGE BUT CAN FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART! And that sometimes taking the
first step or even saying the words "I want to be baptized" can be
the hardest part! We then looked at her and asked her if she wanted to be
baptized and she said, "Myślę że tak" or " I think so!" I
then asked her “Do you still want to be baptized this Saturday?” and she said
again, "Myślę że tak!" Sister Gheen and I were both like “OK!!!!!” We all sat there smiling for a moment and then
I couldn't take it anymore I got up, squealed, ran over and hugged her! She
laughed and hugged me right back! She was just so happy!
If any of you have seen the corny but funny movie The Best Two Years it was exactly like
that moment when their investigator tells them he wants to get baptized! We
then sat looking at each other just smiling and we were like “well now what?!” ha-ha! We then told her the details of how it
is and she was ready! We were nervous about getting a pool because it was that
Saturday but I prayed and said out loud, "I have faith we can find a
pool," and of course...WE FOUND A POOL!!!
She was nervous on Wednesday and she again wasn't sure! She had
her interview with President Turek, because he had come for our district
meeting! She came out and just looked at peace! We asked President Turek if she
was ready and he looked at me and said, "Oh tak!" or “Yes!” We were
so excited! We then met with her again on Thursday and had her try on the
outfit! She was so cute and just beaming! She is so small so it was huge on her
but she didn't care! She told us she was excited now!!
Saturday was beautiful! Couldn’t have been better for her! It had been one miracle after the next that
had lead us to that point! She asked me to speak about baptism and I felt so
privileged! It was incredible! She was baptized and she came out smiling so
big! All the members shook her hand and I didn't care if I got wet, I gave her
a huge hug! I had happy tears watching it all! We then came back and she gave
an amazing testimony! She thanked the branch for all their help and how they
had all each personally touched her life! She thanked all of us as well! She
shared her testimony on Christ and on “light!” She talked about how it was ok
that the entire path wasn't lit but that krok po kroku it would get lighter!
She also shared that she knew it was a coincidence that she had been led here!
She could see so many good fruits because of it! She said that "na
pewno"(for sure) she would continue to learn and grow in this church! It
was so beautiful!!
On Sunday both she and our non-smoker were confirmed! The Legnica
branch was with us so it was a full house! It was so special and these two
women looked so full of light! Everyone congratulated them afterwards! I also
had the opportunity to speak on obedience and share my final testimony with
them all!
I love the people here in Wrocław! They have all taught me so so
The day was filled with Sunday meetings and then a huge lunch
all together afterwards! It was just incredible and there was so much love!
That night we also had culture night with our young college aged student and
she taught us how to make pierogi! It was so much fun! I asked her in the
kitchen what she thought about the weekend. She said that she would remember it
for the rest of her life! It was one of the most special weekends of my
mission! I could not feel more blessed to have ended it with that!
I have loved my time here in Wrocław! I love this city and its
people! I am sad to say I came here with a little bit of a heavy heart but I am
so happy! I was humbled in the beginning and we went to work! There are
countless blessings I have received here and one of the biggest is my
companion, Sister Gheen! I love that little girl with all my heart! She is one
of the strongest people I know and man does she love the gospel! She has helped
me so much to find peace with it coming to an end this last transfer! She has
comforted me through the break downs and celebrated with me during the many
joyful moments! I will forever be grateful for her!! Thank you Sister Gheen! I love your small but mighty loving soul!
Now, this is where it gets hard!
How do you sum up everything that has happened to you in the
last 18 months in just a few paragraphs?! I am not quite sure what to say but I
do know this - Poland will forever have a part of me!
I started this journey in the decision process of not even sure
if going on a mission was the right thing to do! It required every little bit
of faith and I had to say the words out loud, "I need to go on a
mission!" The preparation was done in a whirlwind and I left by giving a
talk on love! I knew through many conversation with the Lord that if a little
girl from Boise, Idaho could come here and love the people that it would work
out! However, little did I know how much more I would come to learn about love
and the amount of God’s pure love I would feel in return!
I walked into those MTC doors and met my amazing district! They
each individually taught me so much and I know we were all supposed to be put
together! I know “real life” will happen
but I sincerely hope we remain in contact forever! Shout out to our Poland Warsaw October 28,
2015 District – Starszy Josef Ashworth, Siostra Lexi Kamp, Siostra Whitney
Barney, Siostra Lauryn Lerch, Siostra Christie Yocum, Siostra Gretchen
Dekker! I LOVE YOU! When Starszy Ashworth comes home our journey as
a district will be complete!
I came into the country a little bit terrified ha-ha and wide
eyed but ready to go! President and Siostra Edgren stood there with their
hearts wide and arms wide open to love and laugh with us! I had an incredible
trainer, Siostra Brooke Pierson, that set the pace of my mission! She loved me
and we had an instant true friendship!
She was so diligent and unwavering! I still look up to her! I started off in powerful
branch of Szczecin with great districts!
Elder and Siostra Cutting held the fort down for us in Szczecin –
dinners, fun and love!
My second transfer again I was blessed with an incredible comp,
Siostra Stephanie Sloan, that became one of best friends! Her insight and
talents were exactly what the Lord knew I needed! She helped me with my caving
self-doubt! That transfer was filled with ups and downs but also miracles! We
met two people seeking truth and one decided to be baptized while I was
there! It was so exciting! And because the Lord knows best He had me
leave before his baptism! However, I
felt at peace as I looked forward to the adventure that awaited me in Gdańsk!
In Gdańsk I was surrounded by beautiful, colorful buildings and
water and WONDERFUL members who welcomed me with open arms and sang to me “Sto
lat” on my birthday! I was no longer a trainee and I started to learn how a
mission really works! I continued to learn the language krok po kroku as I
trusted in the promise that if I open my mouth it will be filled! I worked well
with my sweet comp, Siostra Madison Young – she encouraged me and let me try to
lead! I then became a trainer and with
that came feelings of excitement and inadequacy! However, God blessed me with
the most amazing trainee, Siostra Janie Groesbeck! We shared the love of music! She relit a fire in me as I was almost half
way through my mission! We believed in
the power of miracles, and boy did we see them!
Training helped me understand even more of the work and pushed me to
becoming bold! I wanted to give my
trainee! Elder and Siostra Taggart
became like a favorite aunt and uncle to me!
I cried and cried when I left them!
They made our district feel like home!
I said good bye to President and Siostra Edgren with fondness,
gratitude and love! They’ll always be a
part of my history and I still quote them!
We welcomed President and Siostra Turek and their three young
kids with love! He is the youngest
mission president in the world! The
first Polish mission president in this mission.
Siostra Turek was German and served a mission in Temple Square! They live the Gospel! President Turek traveled and met the Polish
saints all over Poland! They have a gift
to teach. He streamlined our English
classes. And he insisted we speak Polish
all the time! My love for this language
grew! My interviews were more spiritual
because we spoke in Polish. He is
considered “a homie” by his missionaries with amazing respect! I love how he’ll tease us but also encourages
us. He is divinely inspired and I have
seen the fruits of his inspiration!
I then was taken away from my beautiful Gdańsk and was asked to
adventure into the city of Warsaw – the one place I didn’t really care to serve!
(I knew nothing about it - just never had the desire!) I was a very sad and reluctant at first
however I now understand the meaning of a refiner’s fire! I also had a little
bit of homesickness – something I had never experienced until now! That
transfer had very high ups and some very, very low downs but I came to know
Christ and his atonement! I learned what
it means to feel it work in my life! He
become MY Savior and brother! I walked
with Him. He healed my heart and helped
me love myself in a way I had never done before. I learned more about selfless service! I was
blessed as well to have a wonderful companion, Siostra Savannah Thornton, help
me through it all – she simply offered love!
Thank you Siostra Thornton! We
had fun despite my emotions! And of course,
the most amazing part of Warsaw was when I met “THE FISH” while street
contacting! He changed my life and
continues to do so! He has crazy energy and seeks the good through goals and
fun! To see him change was complete
joy! It was the Lord’s and Christ’s
I stayed in Warsaw for six months! I was asked to train! “The Dream Team” was born! Siostra Talia Beem entered the scene! We named our companionship that and it helped
us live up to higher goals and standards! We experienced the many wonderful holidays
that Poland has to offer together! That
girl changed my life! I laughed and smiled so much and I needed that
desperately! I was blessed to teach more than I ever had before! I saw “the fish” get baptized! The next
transfer again I stayed in my "queendomship" of Warsaw! I worked
harder than I ever had before! I had some ups and downs with the language but I
learned to love Polish again!
Finally, I ended here in Wrocław and was blessed far beyond what
I could even imagine! I was able to see miracles and people change because of
the gospel and then get baptized! I met incredible members and had an amazing
companion, Siostra Lucy Gheen, that helped me find peace in realizing my
mission was ending!
Finally, this weekend I can now say that I have found peace! It
doesn't mean that I am not scared! I am
still incredibly sad to leave! However,
I have learned this transfer to trust in God's plan and to fear not, but only
believe! I know Christ is there for
us! I know God is aware! I know this plan and gospel are eternal
My mission has changed me in more ways than I can count!
I fell in love with this country, this culture, and these people
and as I said before I received more love than I could imagine! This land and
these people became my home and my family! They welcomed me in and showed me
kindness and provided me with joy and comfort every step of the way! I felt akin to it from the beginning when I
received my call. I knew this was where
the Lord needed me. Those roots have
only grown deeper and stronger.
I am so grateful I was also able to learn this crazy language
they call Polish! It pushed me at times but it also taught me so much about
relying on the Lord and that if I do my part, He will keep his promise! My
mouth was filled over and over again! I’ve
prayed to never forget it!
II was supposed to be called to Poland! It forever changed me and it will forever
have part of my heart! I LOVE YOU POLAND!
I’m so thankful the Lord trusted me with these people and land!
I want to end with sharing my testimony! I know God is my
Heavenly Father! I know I am his
daughter! I have discovered what it means to have a relationship with Him! I
know He cares about each of us and His hand is in our lives every single day! I
know He listens to me when I pray! He answers my prayers, maybe not always in
the way I may want or in the timing I want, but His way and His timing are
always so much better! I know that God has a plan for each of us!
Sometimes it requires a little faith to trust in His plan but if we can have
that faith, He will take us to higher places than we could ever imagine! I LOVE
I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it has provided
me with so many answers! There is something so incredible about that little blue
book! I am grateful that I have had this time to learn and to study from it
both in English and in Polish!
I know that this Church was restored by the prophet Joseph
Smith! I know He saw God and Christ in that grove of trees many years ago! I know
that we have a living prophet and living apostles that are called of God!
Their words are inspired and they have given me so many answers as well! I have
learned that miracles are real! I do not believe in coincidences anymore!
I know that Jesus Christ is MY Savior and MY brother! I know He
is YOURS as well! I know that if I would have been the only person to have
lived on this Earth He still would have come and atoned for me! His love is
that personal and real! I know He loves me!
He is a big brother to all! I have learned to allow His atonement to work in my
life! I have made mistakes and I am far from perfect but I have become better
because of Him! He sets us free from unnecessary heavy burdens! I felt His cleansing power in my life and He
has given me comfort in times when I needed it most! I LOVE HIM!
For 547 days I have worn Christ’s name over my heart! But most of all, I am so grateful that I have
learned to let Him INTO my heart as well! He has changed my life! I have seen Him change others’ lives as well!
I know that this gospel is true, NO MATTER WHAT, it is true! I BELIEVE
THAT! Selfishly I needed to come on my
mission to learn this truth! And I pray
to continue to live it and share it!
I will forever be grateful that I discovered all of this in MY Poland!
So, here we go krok po kroku - going forward! Ahhhh!
My mission is ending but the things I have learned here and the
relationships I have are not! I hope this is just a beginning!
I am grateful for every companion, every missionary I have
crossed paths with, my mission presidents, my family, and all of you! I LOVE AND THANK YOU!
You have all provided me with the support I needed to keep
Was it at times hard? Yes!! But was it worth it? More than I
could ever imagine!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you and thank you again
for everything!
Once again “Po polsku, wiem że jest prawdziwa!”
(“In Polish, I know it's true!”)
Kocham Was!!!!
And for one final time with a heart bursting with love I am
signing off as....
Siostra DeMordaunt